Screenshot of the Schematics right-click menu.

The schematic editor allows users to create circuits by placing, connecting, and editing individual elements, and then run a circuit simulation. Users can also save circuit results and apply them to FDTD simulation results during post-processing.

Users can create a schematic by right-clicking on Schematics in the Project Tree and selecting New Schematic. An existing circuit's editor is accessed by double-clicking on the desired schematic in the Project Tree or by right-clicking on the desired schematic and choosing Properties.

Menu & Toolbar

There are four menus available in the upper-left corner of the editor: file, edit, view, and tools. Users can perform many of the same actions available through these menus by clicking the corresponding button in the toolbar. The Name field provides space for a user-defined schematic identifier.

Screenshot of the Schematic Editor toolbar.

The following tools and buttons are available:

Additionally, the Tools menu offers access to the same basic components and simple transmission lines provided in the workspace tab in the lower portion of the editor.

Workspace Tab

Screenshot of the Workspace tab.

The Workspace tab includes a functional schematic display that allows users to add, move, and edit individual circuit elements. Users can click on a component or transmission line placement tool on the left side of the tab, and then place it in a desired location in the schematic window on the right.

Hotkeys provide easy access to tool functionality and assist with efficient schematic design.

Solver Settings Tab

Screenshot of the Solver Settings tab.

The Solver Settings tab defines input values for computing a circuit's results. These editable fields set the frequency range and sampling for the frequency-domain circuit solver:

The Sweep Type determines how a calculation sweeps through a frequency range and includes two available options:

Results Tab

Screenshot of the Results tab.

The Results tab displays schematic results once the circuit simulation is complete. The four panes in the upper portion of the browser filter the results, and the lower portion contains a list of all the results that meet the criterion set by the selections in the upper columns.

By default, the result filters are set to Analysis, Operating Mode, Sensor, and Result, but users can configure the order in which they appear in the four upper panes by right-clicking on a header and making the desired selection.

Double-clicking on a result generates that data's default graph, and right-clicking, then choosing Create Line Graph accesses non-default views.

Screenshot of the Search options.

In the upper-right corner of the window, users can manually enter text into the Search field and use the drop-down arrow to access additional filtering criteria.

The Search Type determines what search terminology is considered valid:

When choosing the Regular Expression search, users should note that entering a space either before or after a vertical bar returns incomplete search results. The Search These Fields options specify which fields are searched for the terms entered in the Search bar. The available selections include fields with either numeral or text entries, such as Analysis, Operating Mode, Sensor, and Result.