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HAC 2019 Script | XFdtd

Post-process E-field results according to the 2019 standard.

XF's HAC sensor processes electric-field information based on the 2011 standard. The HAC2019 macro enables users to post-process those E-field results in compliance with the 2019 standard [1].


The E-field data used with the 2011 standard is the same as with the 2019 standard. A HAC sensor is therefore required in order to post-process its results using the 2019 script.

Users must complete the following steps prior to running the macro:

  1. Create a HAC sensor located the desired distance from the device in order to specify where the E-fields are stored.
  2. Create an FDTD simulation with specified steady-state frequencies of interest.
  3. Run the simulation for HAC sensor E-field results.


After meeting the prerequisites, run the macro by following these steps:

  1. Download the HAC2019.xmacro
  2. Place the file in your Macros Menu directory, or right-click on Scripts in the Project Tree and choose Import Scripts.

Once the script is available, select the results for post-processing.

  1. In the Results browser, narrow the results by choosing the HAC Sensor and HAC Max E-Field (E) in the upper panes.
  2. Select the result line in the lower portion of the browser.
  3. Execute the script by either selecting it in the Macros Menu, or right-clicking on the script in the Project Tree and choosing Execute.

The Hearing Aid Compatibility (2019 Standard) output window opens containing the post-processed results of the HAC sensor's data.

The script's output includes the following values:

The MIF value for each frequency is editable by clicking the Change MIF values button and entering the desired value in decibels. The new MIF recalculates the RF_AIL and redetermines the status based on the threshold. Users should note that power scaling adjustments apply to the HAC sensor and both the Avg E and RF_AIL results update accordingly. The tabular output also appears in the lower portion of the Scripting window for efficient copying and pasting.

Users can view the E-field distribution across the defined HAC sensor by double-clicking on its HAC Max E-Field (E) result line in the Results browser. The rendered result and sensor location are valid in spite of being displayed with the 2011 standard rating.


  1. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Standards Association (SA), American National Standard Methods of Measurement of Compatibility Between Wireless Communications Devices and Hearing Aids, 2019.