December 3, 2020: The content below helps navigate the new features in this release. A full list of updates is available in the the Reference Manual's Appendix.

Diffuse Scattering

WaveFarer's diffuse scattering capability captures clutter caused by rough surfaces, such as roads, walls, and objects with roughness smaller than a wavelength. Users can incorporate key effects, such as the impact on complex impulse response and increased cross-polarization of received signals, into results from radar scattering simulations.


This release of WaveFarer includes transmission through materials, allowing simulations to include loss from transmission through a wall, window, or bumper, as well as multipath from interactions with structures on the far side.

Range-Doppler Script

Range-Doppler output.

This package of WaveFarer scripts and utilities assists users with setting up and executing linear chirp simulations and post-processing results in order to generate range-doppler plots. These tools utilize new path outputs for a highly-optimized approach to generating results for snapshots that represent frames containing sequences of chirps, and apply standard analysis methods to such results in order to generate power versus range and range-doppler plots for a series of simulated snapshots in time. The scripts also generate optional outputs, such as the complex impulse response or S-parameters as a function of frequency over the chirp bandwidth.

Output Types

Extended WaveFarer simulation outputs provide new insight into the angular spread of returns and the propagation paths.

Users can view propagation paths by calling Remcom’s XGtd® graphical user interface from a WaveFarer script.

Material Updates

Screenshot of material editor.

Users can specify both electric and magnetic properties as a function of frequency, providing added flexibility when defining scenarios for simulation across multiple frequencies. Additionally, extended materials allow multi-layered materials, magnetic materials, and several special material types, including perfect absorbers, free space (either air or vacuum), and materials defined by constant coefficients. The library distributed with WaveFarer utilizes this feature by including common materials populated for frequencies between 100 MHz and 100 GHz.

Additional Capabilities

There are several usability, performance, scripting, and other updates in this version.

Here is a select list of modifications: