XF's geometry creation and modification capability is based on the concept of feature-based modeling, whereby each part is constructed by performing a series of modeling operations. This applies to both natively-created and imported geometry. Understanding XF's modeling sequence allows users to efficiently build and modify geometry, as well as avoid common pitfalls.
This video creates a 2x2 patch array by first creating a single patch as a sheet body, and then adding modeling operations to thicken the sheet and create a linear pattern. A closer look at the project tree reveals how modeling operations are created and stored in XF. Expanding the model, as well as the modeling sequence, displays its contents and allows users to access the desired operations and parameterize the original sheet body.
The following modeling tools and features are highlighted in an existing XF project.
- [0:19] Create a patch.
- [1:14] Add a modeling operation to thicken the patch.
- [1:46] Add a modeling operation to create a 2x2 patch array.
- [2:22] View the modeling sequence and parameterize the patchs' size.
- [4:14] Review a common pitfall.