October 26, 2016: The content below helps navigate the new features in this release. A full list of updates is available in the Reference Manual's Appendix.

XFdtd 7.6.0 is the last XF release series available for 32-bit Windows and RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5 platforms. Subsequent releases will be available for 64-bit Windows and RHEL7, and additionally for RHEL6 for the solver. RPS subscribers will receive additional notice of this change.

Wrap Flexible PCB and Sheets

Screenshot of wrapped flexible PCB.

This release introduces wrapping capabilities that conform a flat design to an arbitrary surface. This ability supports a full, multi-layer flexible PCB during import so users do not need to wrap each layer manually—they simply select the PCB option from the import menu, provide the form, and let XF do the work.

Also included in this release is a Wrap Sheet feature for single-layer design, such as conformal antennas. Rather than performing a series of bends, users can easily apply geometry to the desired shape without knowing its parameters for a simplified modeling process.

Create Movies of Output

Animated movie of fields. XF's animated field output sequences can be saved as movies directly through the user interface. This enables users to embed movies in PowerPoint slides or present output on different computers without installing XF on that machine. Users can change their focus to a different application or use a remote desktop when creating movies, which are rendered in the sequence's predetermined framerate.

Dielectric Volume Averaging

Screenshot of mesh with averaging enabled. XF's latest meshing feature averages material parameters for simulations with high permittivity materials, such as a ceramic chip antenna. When dielectric volume averaging is enabled, XF adds an averaging layer on the surface of dielectric materials for increased accuracy. Users should enable this meshing feature for thick parts that are at least three cells across, but not for thin parts with only one cell thickness.

Far Zone Phase Reference Point

Screenshot of settings. XF users can define the phase reference point used in far zone computations. This affects electric field phase output, which is important for antenna array design. In addition to XF's default center of space setting, the phase reference point selections include single position and per active source. Exported UAN files reflect this update by containing the additional attribute reference point, which is measured in global space in meters.

Rectangle Select Tool

Screenshot of selection. XF's latest selection tool allows users to choose numerous parts simultaneously. By quickly grabbing portions of either the drawing area or parts list, users avoid selecting each object individually.

On-Screen Display

Screenshot of on-screen display. Information previously displayed in XF's status bar has been moved on-screen for greater visibility. The cursor's coordinates appear in bold text within the geometry window, as well as instructions with modifiers that guide users through the 2-D sketcher and picker tools' functionality. Tooltips and mesh information also appear on-screen for more accessible options.

Edit Simulation Name and Info

Screenshot of right-click menu. This usability update allows users to edit the simulation name and notes after the simulation has been created. This is useful for adding supplementary comments based on computed results or changing the name to something more meaningful.

General RLC Option for CEO

Screenshot of RLC editor. XF's latest addition to the circuit element optimizer's (CEO's) capability includes a generalized component for greater flexibility and a simpler circuit modeling process. The general RLC option allows users to define equivalent circuits as RLC, R||L||C, and RL||C in order to accurately represent complex behavior in fewer steps.

Additional Capabilities

This version introduces over 70 usability, performance, scripting, and other updates

Here is a select list of modifications: