July 9, 2019: The content below helps navigate the new features in this release. A full list of updates is available in the Reference Manual's Appendix.
XFdtd BioPro customers using a high performance compute (HPC) environment with a job scheduler—PBS, Slurm—must update their resource list. This release adds a Bio Solver Token that must be counted similar to GPU tokens. Users should contact Remcom Technical Support for assistance.
Additional Capabilities
This version introduces several usability, performance, scripting, and other updates.
Here is a select list of modifications:
- Synchronized the playback of field sequences from multiple sensors of the same result type.
- Updated the far zone sensor to display an invalidity message if incompatible outer boundary conditions are selected.
- Dielectric volume averaged meshing, surface current sensor meshing, and volume mesh objects are multi-threaded on Windows.
- Added a copy invalidity message right-click menu option to invalidity icons.
- Increased accuracy of far-field radiated power computation when using the far-field method for dissipated power.
- Increased accuracy of XACT dissipated power computations.
- Added ability to export Optenni Lab files to disk.
- [Scripting API] Added new methods to Part class: getFaceNormals() and getFacePositions()
- [Scripting API] Added missing class GraphMarkup