August 25, 2020: The content below helps navigate the new features in this release. A full list of updates is available in the Reference Manual's Appendix.

Singularity Correction

Singularity Correction image.

XF's latest meshing feature resolves highly varying fields at the edges of both good conductor and PEC geometry. When singularity correction is enabled, XF adjusts the electric and magnetic field values adjacent to the metallic edges for enhanced accuracy. This meshing option should be enabled for critical, metallic design components in which strong and rapidly varying electric and magnetic fields are expected, such as antennas, transmission lines, and resonators.

Import PCB


This release introduces multiple PCB import updates. XF's first major update adds lumped component import, which includes resistors, capacitors, and inductors that are defined in the PCB file and available for selection and import. Upon import, circuit components are created for each selected component and added to the project in their specified location.

The second major update imports data not considered part of the board stack-up, such as soldermask layers, paste layers, engineering drawings, and text. Upon import, this data is added to the project as unmeshed parts.

Multiport Devices

Multiport chip

XF's circuit element optimizer (CEO) supports multiport devices, such as ICs, chips, and microchips. These switches and tuners have become more common as antennas operate in multiple bands. This CEO update allows an .SnP file to connect to multiple circuit components within the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) space.

Replace Material

Thumbnail Image 1

This release allows users to apply a different material definition to any geometry associated with the selected material definition. This material replacement capability is accessible through a material definition's right-click menu. This feature improves the workflow for importing CAD and PCB geometries where the default materials must be replaced after import.

Additional Capabilities

This version introduces several usability, performance, scripting, and other updates.

Here is a select list of modifications: