December 20, 2022: The content below helps navigate the new features in this release. A full list of updates is available in the Reference Manual's Appendix.
XF 7.10.2 upgrades FLEXlm licensing libraries to version v11.16.2-TRL from v11.14.1-TRL. Customers using a floating license must update their floating license server. Customers using a green 9-key USB dongle must upgrade their USB driver.
Video Walk-Through
The following video introduces several user-interface (UI) features.
- Minor usability updates:
- [01:01] Parameter list filtering.
- [02:00] Graph tick spacing and resetting plot themes.
- Minor schematic editor updates:
- [03:55] Coplanar waveguide component.
- [05:28] Hotkey updates.
- Schematic editor analysis workbench with tuning sliders:
- [07:14] Fixed-band match use case.
- [11:54] Circuit element optimization (CEO) use case.
- [15:16] Tunable match use case.
- [19:26] Huygens surface sensor.
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Additional Capabilities
This version introduces over 19 usability, performance, scripting, and other updates.
Here is a select list of modifications:
- Added throughput unit.
- Added a search filter to the parameters window.
- Added a reset line theme button to graphs that returns visible data traces to default themes.
- Added user-defined XY graph tick spacing.
- Added CAD import and export options to the UI.
- Added bend modeling ability to attach positions to other parts.
- Changed circuit element optimizer (CEO) goals to invalid if zero samples are specified.
- Improved frequency band table to remember previous size.
- Resolved crashing caused by closing a project that ran a script containing ResultUtils.exportResultDataSet
- Resolved issue with XF instances that are slow or blocked by another instance due to the clipboard.
- Improved the parameter window with consistent ordering behavior for new projects and when importing or exporting sets of values.
- Improved multi-line object notes in the object library.
- Corrected helix geometry to update when handeness changes.
- Fixed a bug in the flat view of surface current sensor results that did not display conductor surfaces with zero thickness and a width of less than two grid cells in the mesh.
- Added missing documentation of scripted NewCircuitSuperpositionSimulationData functions.
- Resolved issue with the Wireless InSite MIMO export logic when not all ports were used in S-parameter matrix.
- Fixed occassional crashing caused by clicking the undo button while a near-field sensor editor is open.
- Resolved crashing in CEO UI when setting efficiency goal's response matrix.