March 10, 2020: The content below helps navigate the new features in this release. A full list of updates is available in the Reference Manual's Appendix.
Remcom's newly implemented naming structure for XF's package options, effective January 1, 2020, appears in pricing quotes and invoices but does not affect the software's functionality.
- The Pro package is now referred to as the Standard package.
- The Bio-Pro package is now referred to as the Pro package.
- An HPC token was created to replace GPU tokens. One HPC token contains one GPU token and one MPI token. Users with XF 7.8 GPU tokens will receive an upgraded XF 7.9 license containing an equal number of HPC tokens.
- A MIMO module was created to replace circuit element optimizer (CEO) tokens. One MIMO module contains one CEO token and one additional token that enables superposition simulation and array optimization features. Users with XF 7.8 CEO tokens will receive an upgraded XF 7.9 license containing an equal number of MIMO modules.
Object Encryption
This release expands the object encryption capability of XF 7.8.0 to include geometry assemblies, sub-assemblies, parts, and circuit components. Encrypted geometry cannot be viewed in the parts list, used in modeling operations, viewed in the mesh, used for sensors, or exported to a CAD file. This allows partners and suppliers to share CAD models for use in simulations without revealing sensitive design details.
Library Bundles
Bundles added to XF's library allow users to group geometry, circuit components, and sensors as one bundle that is accessible across projects. A bundle added to a project from a library maintains the relative positions and associations of its various items.
Additional Capabilities
This version introduces several usability, performance, scripting, and other updates.
Here is a select list of modifications:
- Added a dielectric breakdown sensor definition.
- Labeled distributed circuit components in the simulation summary.
- Added an option to suppress grid properties in the gridding properties editor at the parts level.
- Added completed status visibility when running a simulation with External Queue Integration (EQI).
- Changed the plot of the standalone radiation efficiency to use the project properties efficiency setting.
- Improved on-screen display messages for the project sheet modeling editor.
- Resolved crashing caused by lofting two parts within an assembly.
- Improved the refreshing of sub assemblies in the parts list.
- Added the missing raw specific absorption rate (SAR) value when running on MPI.
- Improved the RDQS lock message.
- Resolved issue with dragging and dropping a netlist definition on a feed definition.
- Resolved issue with importing arcs from a .dxf file.
- [Scripting API] Added setNumberOfAbsorbingLayers to allow setting the number of PML layers for a waveguide interface.
- [Scripting API] Added Grid.includeUnmeshedObjects, Grid.includeCircuitComponents, and Grid.includeWaveguides properties to improve gridding extents options.
- [Scripting API] Fixed Linux xflauncher script for use in bash 5.0.
- [Scripting API] Resolved crashing caused by accessing MeshParameters through scripting API.